Poe Elementary After School Care (2021-2022)

Our after school tutoring program is designed to give students a safe place to continue learning while also having fun and includes transportation, tutoring, snacks, and other enrichment.

Poe students are picked up then transported to our learning center across the street from Rice University at 1601 Sunset Blvd. Once there, tutors meet with students to go over any homework that was assigned.

By reteaching and filling in learning gaps, we make sure homework is done correctly and on time. And if students don’t have any homework, we have our own curriculum for them to work on.

Once homework is complete we have a variety of activities for students like outdoor time and enrichment.

Our after school program is open until 6:30 PM but parents can pick up anytime before that.


Registration for the 2021-2022 school year is now open. Because seats are limited we highly recommend that parents sign their students up as soon as possible.

For more information or to register please click here: https://www.oldschooltutorme.com/after-school

If you have any questions feel free to give us a call at (713) 510-3164.